Wednesday, 16 July 2014

stolen from / still love watercolours

It's been a while.
I have to admit it.
I was a bit side-swiped last month 
when I learned that one of my photos
{from my post, "Because I love Birds"}
was being used by a photojournalist 
across the world in Turkey
{as if it was his own}.
It certainly shocked and upset me. 
It was a strange "violated" sort of feeling.
I've learned my lesson,
and I will now be watermarking all my pictures,
and moving on...

I've written before how much I love watercolour, 
and here is another playful one that I recently completed.
I don't always name my paintings,
but this one is called "bird playground"
{I like to think of watercolour as my playground
as I often can't help but get playful with it.}

{for those interested: I used:
• 140 lb cold press paper
• Grumbacher and Winsor & Newton watercolours
• masking fluid
• iridescent watercolour medium
• a 0.5 mechanical pencil
• General's sketch & wash pencil
• white Sakura Gelly Roll Gel Ink Pen}
